Sunday, July 18, 2010

Little Girls

Devotion, Desire and Delight dancing in the street.

They are not quite three and newly seven.
They are sweet and warm and breathy in their personas and in their play.

The dress up box is purple plastic with a domed top like the treasure chest that it is on this summer day.
The older one is a "Fashionista". She has an innate sense of style. She likes flashy, fun combinations of bright colors and mixed textures accessorized with long cotton gloves of white or purple.
She is happy to show the wee one how this game is played.

They announce each new creation, dancing on the street that is the hundred year old hardwood hall floor of gramma bevy's house.
They are bedecked in plastic heels and fuzzy, furry boas.
They drape themselves in gauzy scarves and pink tiaras.
They dazzle us with oranges and reds, golds and deep sea blues of every fabric twisted and twirled about their lithe little bodies.
And then they prance about in tutus of multi-colored crinoline adorned with sparkly see-through gems dancing like fairies in a forest glen.

These sweet little girls are a delight. The elders in the room are devoted to them and desire only that they know that they are beautiful and they are loved.


  1. oh to be able to read your frequent comments. That too would be a delight.

  2. Hey Beverly, That was really a delightful piece. Your writing reminds me of A.A. Miline's, just little snatches here and there that sound like him. He was always one of my favorite children's authors. Do you read the House at Pooh Corner to your grand daughters?
