What is it about the moon?
Of all the things in nature that are commercialized- leaves, sea shells, flowers made of every product from silk to resin, it is moons that draw my attention.
When my late husband, Dennis, was sick and our daughter was leaving for college, he said to her " Don't worry, we will never be far apart, we will always have the same moon. " It might be that - the moon especially from the back yard, hanging in the sky, reminds me of him, but it is more.
The moon is not as hot or as cold feeling as the sun. It feels friendly some how. The man in the moon, playing peek a boo with the clouds on a steely gray night, feels like a play mate.
The sun is fierce and fiery. Sweetest at sunrise and sunset, but the moon is always sweet. It is sweet in its slivery stages, a tiny thread hanging down from above playfully and it is sweet when it is full, a globe of romance pulling us up up up into our best selves.
I stand taller in the moonglow than I do under the brilliance of the sunshine which makes me wilt in the heat and shrink into myself in the cold.
I compete with the sun for my place in the universe but the moon offers me support, a place and time to wrestle with my life choices, to revel in my blessings, to let my heart expand with gratitude.
AHHA! That's it. The moon makes my heart expand with gratitude - I knew it was something. Thank you moon.
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