Monday, May 3, 2010


The Quest House came to be from a dream and a typo. The Lord uses what He must to send the message:) My most treasured gift is the gift of hospitality and I have long been a retreat-ant at various retreat facilities. I can see my self greeting the walking wounded treating them to a sanctuary filled with homemade bread, flowers and a place to heal. And Laugh. Does healing happen without laughter? Perhaps, but it must be very slow. I shared this dream with my writing coach, mary anne radmacher, and in the missive typed " my dream is to own a "Quest house". And so it has come to be. The Quest House currently houses it's root stock in a small office in Red Hook NY that is filled with whimsy and vision, a slow computer and orange curtains. And laughter. Someday there will be a guest house, a garden, a great room. But for now, follow along, share your dreams with me as we write, inspiring ourselves and others and follow our dreams.
In June I will be offering an opportunity to participate in a writing process called RADMACHER FOCUS PHRASE™.
The first session called Wear the WORD, will provide a new way to start your day with Scripture. Using a passage I provide, you will view each day through the lens of THE WORD. At days end you will write three paragraphs about what moments of grace or joy, what trials or tribulations were presented to you and how the "phrase", the Scripture passage, helped you experience them.
I will be posting more in the days ahead and will invite you to share your writing with me.
This process has changed my life allowing me to greet each day with intention. Setting the course instead of riding the wave of work and play without noticing the highs and lows, the ordinary moments of wonder.
Go to to see the work of my writing coach and partner in this course.
log on often to see the details of registration to start your summer with me and to begin a daily writing practice that will bring a new vision to your life.

Please think about signing up for this writing opportunity. Whether your goal is to establish or revitalize a daily writing practice, to establish or revitalize a daily Scripture reading practice or to establish or revitalize a way of sharing your long neglected gifts of the spirit, I hope you will join me in June for Wear the WORD.
joyfully, beverly kipp

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